A little girl and her teddy bear looking out at the woods.

springtime, crocus, Alaskacoyote, Canada, wildlifeA man and woman in the back of a jeep.Two elk in a field with trees and bushesA person pointing to some animals in the distanceA bison laying down in the grassA black bear is standing in the grass.

New Skies is back in Alaska!  Our home base for our rafting and fishing business is located in Gakona, Alaska and we’re back for the 2016 season after almost 5,000 miles on the road through the U.S. and Canada.  We’re so ready to stretch our legs (and rowing arms!) after that trip.  We saw some beautiful parts of our country on the drive up, crossed major rivers and came across a huge variety of wildlife, especially in northern Canada.  We got to see what seemed like the spring season in reverse as we came up from the warm, sunny South into the colder, slower-to-thaw Northern territory.  At the tail end of the trip, ice still crusted the edges of rivers and hungry animals such as buffalo, bear and elk were eagerly stripping roadsides of new, green shoots of grass and giving us a great view.  What a wild welcoming party!

The rivers have mostly cleared of winter ice in Alaska, but a Kodak moment today with some playful eagles was characterized by blowing snow and frozen fingers.  It didn’t seem to bother the eagles and ravens.  They seemed downright frisky and happy to soar in the freezing wind.  As for us, we’re downright happy to be here, too in all its grey, springtime glory.  Now it’s time to make ready for the summer, the salmon, the sun and rafting and fishing clients! ~

A bird flying over the water near some trees.A bird flying over the water on a river.A view of the river from above.

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