River Log

a blog celebrating all things water: still, salty, flowing and frozen
New Offerings: Shuttles & Gear Rentals!

New Offerings: Shuttles & Gear Rentals!

The success of any business in small-town Alaska depends on its ability to adapt and diversify.  Now that we’ve got a few years of experience running New Skies under our belt, and our gear list has grown, we are able to do just that! We want to make...

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Back in Alaska!

Back in Alaska!

New Skies is back in Alaska!  Our home base for our rafting and fishing business is located in Gakona, Alaska and we’re back for the 2016 season after almost 5,000 miles on the road through the U.S. and Canada. ...

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Rafting with Kids

Rafting with Kids

To some, rafting with kids seems more like a scary nightmare than a fun family activity.   Indeed, I just talked to the mother of a 3-year-old at the playground the other day who literally shivered at the...

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Creekin’ in the Shredder, Part II

Creekin’ in the Shredder, Part II

  …Another scenic river adventure with some whitewater!  Since their warm-up run on the Davidson went so well, JJ and Greg decided to try the North Fork of the French Broad river.  The North Fork (IV-IV+) is a local creek run in Brevard, NC that had sustained a...

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Creekin’ in the ‘Shredder’

Creekin’ in the ‘Shredder’

No fishing happening on this rafting adventure!  A lot of rain and a day off of our winter work afforded JJ and Greg the chance to try out the Shredder (2-man cataraft) on the upper Davidson River in the Pisgah National Forest.  The river was...

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